Captcha Configuration

In the Edge product, support for hCaptcha has been integrated. The hCaptcha functionality requires users to register an account on the hCaptcha official website, obtain the corresponding site key and secret key, and configure them in Edge.

Obtaining hCaptcha Site Key and Secret Key

Before configuring hCaptcha in Edge, you need to obtain your site key and secret key. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the hCaptcha website and register or log in to your account.

  2. To find your site key:

  3. To find your secret key:

Configuring hCaptcha in Edge

Once you have your site key and secret key, follow these steps to configure hCaptcha in Edge:

  1. Click on Global Settings, then click on Captcha Configuration:

  2. Enter the site key and secret key you obtained from the hCaptcha official website.

  3. Click the Submit button to save your configuration.