OpenResty Edge Configuration Mirror Backed by YAML Files

We provides a command line tool for updating configurations in OpenResty Edge using local YAML-backed config mirroring. Configurations are divided by partitions, with each set of configurations corresponding to a partition in OpenResty Edge. Local configurations can be version-controlled using programs like Git.

The following content in the document explains how to use this tool.

Create an API Token

  1. First, log in to the OpenResty Edge Admin Console.
  2. Then click on the username in the upper right corner: USERNAME > API Tokens > New API Token > Copy API Token.

Update or add configuration to OpenResty Edge

We will separate the command line tools for handling configuration and the initial configuration into different packages, to prevent the initial configuration in the newly released packages from overwriting your updated configurations.

  • Download the openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION.tar.gz and openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION.tar.gz from OpenResty Download Center.The openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION.tar.gz contains command line tools. The openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION.tar.gz consists of configurations. If you are migrating from another platform to OpenResty Edge, we can perform a conversion with your configurations and provide you with examples.

  • Upload the openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION.tar.gz and openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION.tar.gz package to any machine that has Python3 installed and can access Edge Admin.

  • You can extract the contents of openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION.tar.gz into the directory where openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION.tar.gz has been extracted, forming the following directory structure. Alternatively, you can extract the two packages into separate directories and then specify the configuration path through the -i option of the command line tool.

  • Extracting openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION.tar.gz yields the following directories:

    - openresty-edge-cmd-configs-VERSION/
    |-- configs/
      |-- global_lua_modules/
        |-- util.lua
        |-- uuid.lua
        |-- ...
      |-- upstreams/
        |-- upstream-a.yaml
        |-- upstream-b.yaml
        |-- ...
      |-- page_rules
        |-- 000-core-rules.yaml
        |-- other-rules.yaml
        |-- ...
      |-- basic_auth_groups
        |-- group1.yaml
        |--- ...
      |-- global_configs.yaml

    The configs/ directory contains all the configurations for a partition. The global_lua_modules/ directory holds the global Lua modules, with each Lua file representing a Lua module. The upstreams/ directory contains the upstreams, and you can split the upstreams into multiple files for easier management. The page_rules directory contains page rules that will be added to HTTP applications related to a partition. The order of the rules is determined by the alphabetical order of the file names and the order of rules within the files. The basic_auth_groups directory contains Basic Authentication user groups and user configurations, which are needed when Basic Authentication actions are used. The global_configs.yaml file includes global configurations such as global user variables.

  • Extracting openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION.tar.gz yields the following directories:

    - openresty-edge-cmd-tools-VERSION/

    The is a command line tool you can execute to manage partition configurations. You can specify the configuration path via the -i option of the command line tool; when the -i option is not specified, the default is to use the configs/ directory located in the same directory as

    You may refer to the configuration files and directory structure we have provided to generate configurations for other environments. Should you encounter any issues, or if the command line tool requires support for additional configurations, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to provide you with the necessary support.

  • Install the dependencies required for the command line tool

    pip3 install openresty-edge-sdk ruamel.yaml

    The version of openresty-edge-sdk should be greater than or equal to 1.2.52.

  • Run the command line tool

    If you want to see the usage of this command line tool, you can execute the following command:

    python3 -h

    The output of this command looks like this:

    usage: [-h] -t API_TOKEN -u ADMIN_URL [-s] [-c] [-i CONFIGS_PATH] [-l LOCATION]
                          [-d DOMAIN] (-p PARTITION_ID | -n PARTITION_NAME)
    Update or add OpenResty Edge configuration.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -t API_TOKEN, --api-token API_TOKEN
                            specify the API Token for sending the request
      -u ADMIN_URL, --admin-url ADMIN_URL
                            specify the URL of the OpenResty Edge Admin. For example,
      -s, --disable-ssl-verify
                            turn off SSL verify for requests to access OpenResty Edge Admin
      -c, --cleanup         based on the location. This option allows for the cleanup of page rules,
                            application upstreams, global user variables, and resetting the access log
                            format for partitions. It can also be used independently of the location
      -i CONFIGS_PATH, --configs-path CONFIGS_PATH
                            specify the path to the configuration file; if not specified, the default is
                            the 'configs' directory in the same directory as the current script
      -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                            specify the configuration name that needs to be updated, supported:
                            page_rules, upstreams, global_lua_modules, global_configs
      -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                            specify a domain name. When an HTTP application containing this domain exists,
                            it will be updated; otherwise, a new application will be created
      -p PARTITION_ID, --partition-id PARTITION_ID
                            specify the id of the partition where you want to add or update the
      -n PARTITION_NAME, --partition-name PARTITION_NAME
                            specify the name of the partition where you want to add or update the

    The configuration can be updated to a specified partition by specifying the -p PARTITION_ID or -n PARTITION_NAME option.


    python3 -t 3ed00172-280e-4e43-a4ef-3c2fae5669ca -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -d

    This command will update the configuration to the default partition (named default, with an id of 1), and if the application does not exist, it will create it.

If you continue to encounter the error No module named 'MODULE_NAME', please use the following command to install the dependencies:

pip3 install MODULE_NAME

Please change the MODULE_NAME in the command to the module name.

More examples:

# remove: lua modules, global user variables, application
# reset: access log formats
python3 -t 6cc1cf09-1a39-4c17-8ed6-c11838edac12 \
    -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -d -c

# remove all page rules from app ""
python3 -t 6cc1cf09-1a39-4c17-8ed6-c11838edac12 \
    -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -l page_rules -d -c

# remove all Lua modules from partition 1(default)
python3 -t 6cc1cf09-1a39-4c17-8ed6-c11838edac12 \
    -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -l global_lua_modules -c

# update/insert all configs to partition 1(default)
python3 -t 6cc1cf09-1a39-4c17-8ed6-c11838edac12 \
    -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -d

# update/insert page rules to app ""
python3 -t 6cc1cf09-1a39-4c17-8ed6-c11838edac12 \
    -u -s -i /path/of/configs -n default -l page_rules -d

Configuration Example

For more examples, please refer to OpenResty Edge Configuration Examples Based on YAML Files.

- enable_rule: true
    set-access-log-off: {}
      content_type: text/html
      msg: favicon.ico and robots.txt
      code: 200
  - op: eq
    var: uri
      - /favicon.ico
      - /robots.txt
  order: 1
  comment: ''
- enable_rule: true
      el: |-
        my Str $transid;

        true =>
            foreign-call(module: "example", func: "go"),
            $transid = ctx-var("lm_transid"),
            $or_global_user_variable_uuid = $transid,
  comment: ''

Page rules are ordered, and the sequence in the configuration file will be maintained when updated to the Edge Admin. This example includes two page rules. The first rule determines whether the URI is /favicon.ico or /robots.txt, and if so, it disables access logging and inputs specified content. The second rule unconditionally executes a segment of Edgelang code, which sets the global user variable $or_global_user_variable_uuid.

All page rules make up an array, with each page rule being an element of the array.

Error Message Example

For configuration file errors, the command line tool will attempt to provide prompts indicating the specific line number where an error occurred.

[!] Error: invalid port in upstream upstream_name_foo: 70000, file: foo.yaml, line: 6.

There are also some other errors, such as the error below indicating that the input configuration path is incorrect; the command line tool cannot find this path.

[!] Error: bad configs path: /bad/path.