Page Rules - Content

This document describes using static files by enabling the “Content” option in page rules.

Configuration Description

ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
typestringYesType of the file, can be ‘file’ or ‘dir’, representing file and directory respectively
filestringNoFull path of the file or directory
ignore_uri_prefix_typestringNoOnly used when type is ‘dir’, used to ignore URI prefix when searching for static files, values can be ‘string’ or ‘regex’
ignore_uri_prefix_valuestringNoOnly used when type is ‘dir’, used to ignore URI prefix when searching for static files

Configuration Example

- enable_rule: true
  order: 8
  - var: uri
    op: prefix
    val: /file1
    type: file
    file: dir1/

- enable_rule: true
  order: 9
  - var: uri
    op: prefix
    val: /oredge
    ignore_uri_prefix_type: string
    ignore_uri_prefix_value: /oredge
    type: dir
    file: dir1

In the first page rule, when the request URI is /file1, it will directly return the content of the file in the dir1 directory.

In the second page rule, when the prefix of the request URI is /oredge, it will search for static files in the dir1 directory based on the URI after /oredge. If found, it will directly return the file content; if not found, it will return a 404 status code. For example, /oredge/ will match the /dir1/ file.