
The repository of the binary installer

First, we need to configure the repository of the binary installer using the commands below. (The CLIENT_TOKEN in the commands needs to be replaced with a valid Token from the subscription email)

curl -o

sudo bash -l lua-resty-kafka-fast -t CLIENT_TOKEN

We also rely on Openresty’s open-source repositories in addition to the above-mentioned repository. If you have not previously configured the open-source repository, you can refer to this page for configurations.


For OpenResty-1.21.4.x

For CentOS/RockyLinux/Amazon Linux/Alibaba Cloud Linux/Tecent Linux operating systems using yum as the package manager, execute the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo yum install --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=lua-resty-kafka-fast -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.21.4

For operating systems such as Fedora that use dnf as package manager, execute the following command to install the private library.

sudo dnf install --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=lua-resty-kafka-fast -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.21.4

For operating systems such as Ubuntu/Debian that use apt as the package manager, run the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo apt-get install -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.21.4

For OpenResty 1.25.3.x

For CentOS/RockyLinux/Amazon Linux/Alibaba Cloud Linux/Tecent Linux operating systems using yum as the package manager, execute the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo yum install --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=lua-resty-kafka-fast -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.25.3

For operating systems such as Fedora that use dnf as package manager, execute the following command to install the private library.

sudo dnf install --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo=lua-resty-kafka-fast -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.25.3

For operating systems such as Ubuntu/Debian that use apt as the package manager, run the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo apt-get install -y lua-kafka-nginx-module-1.25.3

Upgrade OpenResty

If openresty has been previously installed, please execute the following upgrade command:

sudo yum upgrade -y openresty


Go to lua-resty-kafka-fast for more details.


On an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz, each worker can consume 40,000 messages per second.

Copyright (C) 2024 OpenResty Inc. All rights reserved.

This software is proprietary and must not be redistributed or shared at all.