
Configure the binary installer repository

First we need to configure the repository for the binary installer, follow the command below. (The CLIENT_TOKEN in the command needs to be replaced with a valid Token from the subscription email)

curl -o

sudo bash -l luajit-plus -t CLIENT_TOKEN

Installing packages

For operating systems using the yum package manager, run the following command to install the private library.

sudo yum install -y openresty-luajit-plus

For operating systems using the dnf package manager, execute the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo dnf install -y openresty-luajit-plus

For operating systems using the apt package manager, execute the following command to install the private libraries.

sudo apt-get install -y openresty-luajit-plus

Recompile OpenResty

You can compile OpenResty by referring to installation. Note that when executing ./configure with the installation path of luajit-plus after the -with-luajit parameter.

tar -xzvf $pkg.tar.gz
cd $pkg
./configure --prefix=/opt/openresty \
            --with-luajit=/usr/local/openresty/luajit-plus \

make install