OpenResty XRay Standard Analyzers
OpenResty XRay provides standard analyzers for the following application types or stack stacks (the list is still growing fast).
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing APISIX applications:
- lj-add-timer-lua-fgraph: ngx.timer Add Timer Flamegraph
- lj-c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-dump-traces: Dump LuaJIT Traces
- lj-excep-lua-fgraph: Lua Exception Flame Graph
- lj-func-events: Trace LuaJIT function call entry events
- lj-gc-step-calls: Number of LuaJIT GC function calls per second
- lj-jit-state: Check The LuaJIT JIT State: on/off
- lj-live-coroutines: dump the bts of the living Lua coroutines
- lj-lua-full-bt: Dump Lua Full Backtrace including the variables in the stack
- lj-lua-newcdata: Lua-Land New CData Creation Flame Graph Sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newfunc: Lua-Land New Function Creation Flame Graph sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newgco: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newstr: LuaJIT String Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newtab: LuaJIT Table Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newthread: LuaJIT Thread Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-on-cpu: Lua-Land CPU Flame Graph
- lj-lua-tab-resize: LuaJIT Table resize Flame Graph
- lj-no-pcre-jit-lua-fgraph: Lua Land Flame Graph for function path that PCRE jit is disabled
- lj-slowest-ngx-re: Slowest find/match/split Regular Expression of
- lj-slowest-str-gmatch: Slowest Lua string.gmatch
- lj-slowest-str-gsub: Slowest String Global Substitution For Lua’s string.gsub
- lj-slowest-str-match-find: Slowest String Match/Find
- lj-str-find-no-plain-fgraph: Lua string.find Searching Plain String Without Plain Mode Set
- lj-trace-abort-events-fgraph: Lua Land Trace Abort Events Flame Graph
- lj-trace-stats: LuaJIT VM Trace Event Statistics
- lj-vm-states: LuaJIT VM States Distribution
- ngx-access-log-buffer-size: Nginx Access Log Buffer Size Configuration
- ngx-cpu-hottest-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames consuming the most CPU resources
- ngx-cpu-hottest-uris: Showing the top 10 URIs order by request count
- ngx-epoll-event-stats: Statistics of Epoll Events Received
- ngx-epoll-wait-timers: Tracking the Nginx-Land Epoll Wait Routines
- ngx-gzip-compression-level: Nginx GZIP Compression Level Statistics
- ngx-gzip-compression-types: Nginx GZIP Compression Types Statistics
- ngx-lua-code-cache: Nginx Lua Code Cache Requests
- ngx-open-file-cache-conf: Nginx Open File Cache Configuration
- ngx-pcre-compile-lua-fgraph: Openresty New PCRE Compilation Lua Land Flame Graph
- ngx-shdict-hit-rate: Nginx Shared Dict Hit Rate
- ngx-slowest-config-re: Slowest Regular Expression in Nginx Rewrite or Find Config
- ngx-timer-delay-distr: Timeout Value Distribution of Nginx Timer
- openresty-compiled-regex-cache: OpenResty Compiled Regex Cache Statistics
- openresty-new-timer-fgraph: Openresty New Timer Flamegraph
- openresty-running-timers-fgraph: Openresty Running Timer Flamegraph
Disk I/O
- lj-read-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- lj-read-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- lj-read-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- lj-write-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- lj-write-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- lj-write-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- lj-lua-ngx-print-error: ngx.print and ngx.say error Flame Graph
- ngx-err-log-files: Nginx Error Log Files
- ngx-err-log-lvl-distr: Nginx Error Log Level Distribution
- ngx-http-access-time: Nginx HTTP Access Phase Latency
- ngx-http-rewrite-time: Nginx HTTP Rewrite Phase Latency
- ngx-http-upstream-time: Nginx HTTP Upstream Latency
- ngx-https-handshake-time: Nginx HTTPs handshake - useless
- ngx-read-req-body-time: Nginx Request Body Reading Time Distribution
- ngx-req-latency: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-advance: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-distr: HTTP Request Latency Distribution
- ngx-req-lj-yield-count: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Times Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-latency: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-time: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency
- ngx-tls-handshake-latency: Nginx SSL/TLS handshake Latency
- sema-wait-fgraph: Semaphore wait Calls
- lj-alloc-stats: Statistics for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator (Directly allocated memory blocks larger than 128K will not be counted)
- lj-c-memory-leak-fgraph: Lua-Land Memory Leak Flame Graphs
- lj-dump-loaded-mods: Showing the loaded modules of the LuaJIT VM
- lj-err-mem: Luajit Memory Exception
- lj-free-stats: Statistics of free chunks for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator
- lj-gco-cdata-fin: CData Object Statistics by Finalizer
- lj-gco-cdata-stats: CData Object Statistics by CData Type
- lj-gco-ref: GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- lj-gco-stat: Statistics for LuaJIT GC Objects
- lj-lua-newgco-size: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Size Flame Graph
- lj-mem-realloc-distr: Lua Memory Realloc Size Distribution
- lj-mem-realloc-fgraph: Lua Memory Realloc Size Flamegraphs
- lj-tab-chain-loops: Find loops in LuaJIT table node chains.
- lj-tab-unreachable-node: Find unreachable nodes in the lua tables.
- ngx-mem-pools: Nginx Memory Pool Statistics
- ngx-shdict-stores: Nginx Shdict Stores Statistics
- ngx-shm-lru: Nginx Share Memory LRU Statistics
- ngx-shm-slabs: Slab Memory Usage in Nginx Shared Memory
- ngx-shm-tree-height: Compute the RBTree Height of Nginx Shared Memory Zones.
- resty-memory: Application-Level Memory Usage Breakdown
- collect-luajit-ffnames: Collect LuaJIT ffnames
- lj-config: Configurations for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-new-timer-errors: Nginx Lua Tracks Timer Creation Errors
- ngx-config: Configurations for Nginx
- ngx-config-servers: Dump The Name of The Http Servers
- ngx-dump-timers: Dump nginx timers in the rbtree
- ngx-graceful-exits: Nginx Graceful Exit Event
- ngx-lua-sleep: Nginx Lua Sleep Calls Distribution
- ngx-worker-id: Nginx Worker ID
- openresty-core-dump-analysis: OpenResty Core Dump Analysis
Network I/O
- lj-lua-ngx-exit-fgraph: Lua-Land Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- lj-lua-socket-close-fgraph: Lua-Land close socket Flame Graph
- ngx-downstream-keepalive-stats: HTTP Downstream Request Connection Keepalive Statistics
- ngx-dump-cur-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-dump-dns: Dump Nginx DNS configuration and domain caches
- ngx-dump-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-keepalive-statistics: Request/Upstream Connection Keep-alive Statistics
- ngx-proxy-cache-status: Proxy Cache Status Distribution
- ngx-read-req-body-packets: Capture the packets of the HTTP request that the read body time is greater than the threshold
- ngx-req-count: Count Nginx Subrequests and Main Requests
- ngx-req-counts-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request counts
- ngx-req-distribution: Nginx Traffic Distribution By Calls of Finalize Request
- ngx-req-err-packets: IP Packets of Specified HTTP Errors
- ngx-req-size-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request size
- ngx-req-status-code: Request Status Code Per Second
- ngx-rps: Nginx RPS Statistics
- ngx-ssl-server-conf: Sample the Server Configurations by Requests
- ngx-ssl-session-ticket-key: Nginx SSL Session Ticket Key Configuration
- ngx-status-code-fgraph: Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- ngx-tls-handshake-info: SSL/TLS Session handshake information Statistics
- ngx-tls-session-resumption: Downstream SSL/TLS Session Resumption Statistics
- ngx-top-latency-reqs: IP packets of top latency HTTP requests
- ngx-upstream-err-packets: Capture the upstream packets that have specific error code
- openresty-cosocket-connect: OpenResty Cosocket Connect Operation Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-fgraph: OpenResty Cosocket Error Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-packets: IP Packets of OpenResty Cosocket Which has Errors
- openresty-cosocket-no-keepalive: OpenResty Cosocket Without Keepalive Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-pool: OpenResty Cosocket Pool Statistics
- openresty-cosocket-timeout: OpenResty Cosocket Timeout Distribution
- socket-close-fgraph: close socket Flame Graph
- tcpdump-upstream-no-keepalive: capture the packets that have no HTTP upstream ‘keepalive’ configuration
- lj-c-off-cpu: C-Land off-CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-off-cpu: Lua-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing C/C++ applications:
- c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph
- cpu-hogs: cpu hogs of the system
- epoll-level-event-fgraph: Epoll Level Trigger Event Flame Graph
- epoll-loop-blocking-distr: Epoll Loop Blocking Latency Distribution
- epoll-wait-ret-distr: Return Value Distribution of the epoll_wait
- epoll-wait-timers: Wait timers for epoll
- epoll-wait-timers-fgraph: Wait timers flamegraph for epoll
- kernel-on-cpu: Kernel-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
- page-fault-by-pid: Page fault order by process ID
- pagefault-fgraph: Page Fault Flame Graph
- process-ctx-sw-stats: Process Context Switches Statistics
- sys-load-avg-by-app: System Load Average By Application
Disk I/O
- bench-io-create-files: benchmark of creating and writing into the files
- diskstat: Virtual File System Read Write By Disk Name
- disktop-by-proc: Virtual File System Read Write N Process
- file-system-fgraph: File System Flame Graph
- vfs-read-fgraph: Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- vfs-read-latency-fgraph: Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- vfs-read-latency-top-files: Virtual File System Read Latency Top N files (including sendfile)
- vfs-read-top-files: Virtual File System Read Top N files (including sendfile)
- vfs-read-volume-fgraph: Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- vfs-write-fgraph: Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- vfs-write-latency-fgraph: Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- vfs-write-latency-top-files: Virtual File System Write Latency Top N files
- vfs-write-top-files: Virtual File System Write Top N files
- vfs-write-volume-fgraph: Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- epoll-wait-overrun-time-distr: Schedule Latency Distribution
- func-latency-distr: Function Latency Distribution
- socket-send-recv-latency-fgraph: Socket Send/Recv Message Latency Flame Graph
- c-alloc-fgraph: C Memory Allocation Flame Graph
- c-count-alloc-free: C Application-Level Memory API Calls
- c-memory: C Application-Level Memory Usage Breakdown
- c-memory-leak-fgraph: C-Land Memory Leak Flame Graphs
- kmalloc-leak-fgraph: kmalloc leakage Flame Graph
- libc-chunks: Distributions of Memory Chunk Sizes of the Memory Allocator
- libc-mallinfo: Information about memory allocations performed by malloc and related functions
- mmap-leaks: Mmap Leak Backtrace Sampling Tools for Leak Flame Graphs
- process-memory: Virtual Memory Usage Breakdown
- thread-stack-loaded: Loaded stack memory used by all the threads
- gen-core-dump: Generate the core dump file via gcore
- generic-core-dump-analysis: Generic Core Dump Analysis
- proc-reap: Reap the snapshot process
- proc-snap: Create a snapshot of the process (only for expert)
- signal-watcher: Sent or Received signals
- syscall-execve: fork and execute commands
- syscall-write-stat: Statistic of errno for write/Writev/send syscall
Network I/O
- kernel-dropwatch: Packet Drop Flame Graph
- socket-leak-fgraph: Socket Leakage Flame Graph
- socket-send-recv-message: Socket Send/Recv Message Flame Graph
- socket-send-recv-volume-fgraph: Socket Send/Recv Message Volume Flame Graph
- tcp-reset-fgraph: TCP Reset Flame Graph
- c-off-cpu: C-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Envoy applications:
- c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph
- c-off-cpu: C-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Erlang applications:
- erl-on-cpu: Erlang-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
- erl-off-cpu: Erlang-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Go applications:
- go-alloc-fgraph: Go Memory Allocation Flame Graph
- go-excep-fgraph: Go-Land Exception Flame Graph
- go-live-goroutines: dump the bts of the living goroutines
- go-on-cpu: Go-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
- go-net-http-req-latency: Go net/http Request Latency
- go-gco-ref: Go-Land GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- go-memory: Go-Land Memory Breakdown
- go-core-dump-analysis: Go Application Core Dump Analysis
Network I/O
- krakend-req-canceled: Krakend actively canceled requests
- go-off-cpu: Go-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Java applications:
- java-find-method-entry: Find Java method entries
- java-ftrace: Trace Java function call entry events
- java-on-cpu: Java-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
- pre-java-ftrace: Preliminary Analyzer for tracing Java function call entry events
Disk I/O
- java-read-fgraph: Java-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- java-read-latency-fgraph: java-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- java-read-volume-fgraph: Java-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- java-write-fgraph: Java-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- java-write-latency-fgraph: Java-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- java-write-volume-fgraph: Java-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- java-gco-ref: Java-Land GC Object Reference Flame Graph
Network I/O
- java-kafka-req-latency: Java Kafka Request Latency
- java-tomcat-req-latency: Java Tomcat Request Latency
- java-tomcat-top-latency-reqs: IP packets of top latency HTTP requests
- pre-java-kafka-req-latency: Preliminary Analyzer for Java Kafka Request Latency
- pre-java-tomcat-req-latency: Preliminary Analyzer for Java Tomcat Request Latency
- java-off-cpu: Java-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Kong applications:
- lj-add-timer-lua-fgraph: ngx.timer Add Timer Flamegraph
- lj-c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-dump-traces: Dump LuaJIT Traces
- lj-excep-lua-fgraph: Lua Exception Flame Graph
- lj-func-events: Trace LuaJIT function call entry events
- lj-gc-step-calls: Number of LuaJIT GC function calls per second
- lj-jit-state: Check The LuaJIT JIT State: on/off
- lj-live-coroutines: dump the bts of the living Lua coroutines
- lj-lua-full-bt: Dump Lua Full Backtrace including the variables in the stack
- lj-lua-newcdata: Lua-Land New CData Creation Flame Graph Sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newfunc: Lua-Land New Function Creation Flame Graph sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newgco: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newstr: LuaJIT String Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newtab: LuaJIT Table Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newthread: LuaJIT Thread Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-on-cpu: Lua-Land CPU Flame Graph
- lj-lua-tab-resize: LuaJIT Table resize Flame Graph
- lj-no-pcre-jit-lua-fgraph: Lua Land Flame Graph for function path that PCRE jit is disabled
- lj-slowest-ngx-re: Slowest find/match/split Regular Expression of
- lj-slowest-str-gmatch: Slowest Lua string.gmatch
- lj-slowest-str-gsub: Slowest String Global Substitution For Lua’s string.gsub
- lj-slowest-str-match-find: Slowest String Match/Find
- lj-str-find-no-plain-fgraph: Lua string.find Searching Plain String Without Plain Mode Set
- lj-trace-abort-events-fgraph: Lua Land Trace Abort Events Flame Graph
- lj-trace-stats: LuaJIT VM Trace Event Statistics
- lj-vm-states: LuaJIT VM States Distribution
- ngx-access-log-buffer-size: Nginx Access Log Buffer Size Configuration
- ngx-cpu-hottest-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames consuming the most CPU resources
- ngx-cpu-hottest-uris: Showing the top 10 URIs order by request count
- ngx-epoll-event-stats: Statistics of Epoll Events Received
- ngx-epoll-wait-timers: Tracking the Nginx-Land Epoll Wait Routines
- ngx-gzip-compression-level: Nginx GZIP Compression Level Statistics
- ngx-gzip-compression-types: Nginx GZIP Compression Types Statistics
- ngx-lua-code-cache: Nginx Lua Code Cache Requests
- ngx-open-file-cache-conf: Nginx Open File Cache Configuration
- ngx-pcre-compile-lua-fgraph: Openresty New PCRE Compilation Lua Land Flame Graph
- ngx-shdict-hit-rate: Nginx Shared Dict Hit Rate
- ngx-slowest-config-re: Slowest Regular Expression in Nginx Rewrite or Find Config
- ngx-timer-delay-distr: Timeout Value Distribution of Nginx Timer
- openresty-compiled-regex-cache: OpenResty Compiled Regex Cache Statistics
- openresty-new-timer-fgraph: Openresty New Timer Flamegraph
- openresty-running-timers-fgraph: Openresty Running Timer Flamegraph
Disk I/O
- lj-read-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- lj-read-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- lj-read-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- lj-write-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- lj-write-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- lj-write-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- lj-lua-ngx-print-error: ngx.print and ngx.say error Flame Graph
- ngx-err-log-files: Nginx Error Log Files
- ngx-err-log-lvl-distr: Nginx Error Log Level Distribution
- ngx-http-access-time: Nginx HTTP Access Phase Latency
- ngx-http-rewrite-time: Nginx HTTP Rewrite Phase Latency
- ngx-http-upstream-time: Nginx HTTP Upstream Latency
- ngx-https-handshake-time: Nginx HTTPs handshake - useless
- ngx-read-req-body-time: Nginx Request Body Reading Time Distribution
- ngx-req-latency: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-advance: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-distr: HTTP Request Latency Distribution
- ngx-req-lj-yield-count: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Times Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-latency: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-time: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency
- ngx-tls-handshake-latency: Nginx SSL/TLS handshake Latency
- sema-wait-fgraph: Semaphore wait Calls
- lj-alloc-stats: Statistics for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator (Directly allocated memory blocks larger than 128K will not be counted)
- lj-c-memory-leak-fgraph: Lua-Land Memory Leak Flame Graphs
- lj-dump-loaded-mods: Showing the loaded modules of the LuaJIT VM
- lj-err-mem: Luajit Memory Exception
- lj-free-stats: Statistics of free chunks for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator
- lj-gco-cdata-fin: CData Object Statistics by Finalizer
- lj-gco-cdata-stats: CData Object Statistics by CData Type
- lj-gco-ref: GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- lj-gco-stat: Statistics for LuaJIT GC Objects
- lj-lua-newgco-size: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Size Flame Graph
- lj-mem-realloc-distr: Lua Memory Realloc Size Distribution
- lj-mem-realloc-fgraph: Lua Memory Realloc Size Flamegraphs
- lj-tab-chain-loops: Find loops in LuaJIT table node chains.
- lj-tab-unreachable-node: Find unreachable nodes in the lua tables.
- ngx-mem-pools: Nginx Memory Pool Statistics
- ngx-shdict-stores: Nginx Shdict Stores Statistics
- ngx-shm-lru: Nginx Share Memory LRU Statistics
- ngx-shm-slabs: Slab Memory Usage in Nginx Shared Memory
- ngx-shm-tree-height: Compute the RBTree Height of Nginx Shared Memory Zones.
- resty-memory: Application-Level Memory Usage Breakdown
- collect-luajit-ffnames: Collect LuaJIT ffnames
- lj-config: Configurations for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-new-timer-errors: Nginx Lua Tracks Timer Creation Errors
- ngx-config: Configurations for Nginx
- ngx-config-servers: Dump The Name of The Http Servers
- ngx-dump-timers: Dump nginx timers in the rbtree
- ngx-graceful-exits: Nginx Graceful Exit Event
- ngx-lua-sleep: Nginx Lua Sleep Calls Distribution
- ngx-worker-id: Nginx Worker ID
- openresty-core-dump-analysis: OpenResty Core Dump Analysis
Network I/O
- lj-lua-ngx-exit-fgraph: Lua-Land Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- lj-lua-socket-close-fgraph: Lua-Land close socket Flame Graph
- ngx-downstream-keepalive-stats: HTTP Downstream Request Connection Keepalive Statistics
- ngx-dump-cur-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-dump-dns: Dump Nginx DNS configuration and domain caches
- ngx-dump-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-keepalive-statistics: Request/Upstream Connection Keep-alive Statistics
- ngx-proxy-cache-status: Proxy Cache Status Distribution
- ngx-read-req-body-packets: Capture the packets of the HTTP request that the read body time is greater than the threshold
- ngx-req-count: Count Nginx Subrequests and Main Requests
- ngx-req-counts-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request counts
- ngx-req-distribution: Nginx Traffic Distribution By Calls of Finalize Request
- ngx-req-err-packets: IP Packets of Specified HTTP Errors
- ngx-req-size-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request size
- ngx-req-status-code: Request Status Code Per Second
- ngx-rps: Nginx RPS Statistics
- ngx-ssl-server-conf: Sample the Server Configurations by Requests
- ngx-ssl-session-ticket-key: Nginx SSL Session Ticket Key Configuration
- ngx-status-code-fgraph: Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- ngx-tls-handshake-info: SSL/TLS Session handshake information Statistics
- ngx-tls-session-resumption: Downstream SSL/TLS Session Resumption Statistics
- ngx-top-latency-reqs: IP packets of top latency HTTP requests
- ngx-upstream-err-packets: Capture the upstream packets that have specific error code
- openresty-cosocket-connect: OpenResty Cosocket Connect Operation Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-fgraph: OpenResty Cosocket Error Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-packets: IP Packets of OpenResty Cosocket Which has Errors
- openresty-cosocket-no-keepalive: OpenResty Cosocket Without Keepalive Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-pool: OpenResty Cosocket Pool Statistics
- openresty-cosocket-timeout: OpenResty Cosocket Timeout Distribution
- socket-close-fgraph: close socket Flame Graph
- tcpdump-upstream-no-keepalive: capture the packets that have no HTTP upstream ‘keepalive’ configuration
- lj-c-off-cpu: C-Land off-CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-off-cpu: Lua-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Lua applications:
- lua-excep-fgraph: Lua-Land Exception Flame Graph for standard Lua
- lua-on-cpu: Lua-Land CPU Flame Graph for standard Lua
- lua-gco-ref: GC Object Reference Flame Graph for Stand Lua
- lua-off-cpu: Lua-Land off-CPU Flame Graph for standard Lua
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Nginx applications:
- ngx-access-log-buffer-size: Nginx Access Log Buffer Size Configuration
- ngx-epoll-event-stats: Statistics of Epoll Events Received
- ngx-epoll-wait-timers: Tracking the Nginx-Land Epoll Wait Routines
- ngx-gzip-compression-level: Nginx GZIP Compression Level Statistics
- ngx-gzip-compression-types: Nginx GZIP Compression Types Statistics
- ngx-open-file-cache-conf: Nginx Open File Cache Configuration
- ngx-slowest-config-re: Slowest Regular Expression in Nginx Rewrite or Find Config
- ngx-err-log-files: Nginx Error Log Files
- ngx-err-log-lvl-distr: Nginx Error Log Level Distribution
- ngx-https-handshake-time: Nginx HTTPs handshake - useless
- ngx-req-latency: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-advance: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-distr: HTTP Request Latency Distribution
- ngx-mem-pools: Nginx Memory Pool Statistics
- ngx-shm-slabs: Slab Memory Usage in Nginx Shared Memory
- ngx-config: Configurations for Nginx
- ngx-dump-timers: Dump nginx timers in the rbtree
- ngx-graceful-exits: Nginx Graceful Exit Event
- ngx-worker-id: Nginx Worker ID
Network I/O
- ngx-dump-all-reqs: Dump all Nginx HTTP Requests
- ngx-read-req-body-packets: Capture the packets of the HTTP request that the read body time is greater than the threshold
- ngx-req-distribution: Nginx Traffic Distribution By Calls of Finalize Request
- ngx-req-err-packets: IP Packets of Specified HTTP Errors
- ngx-ssl-session-ticket-key: Nginx SSL Session Ticket Key Configuration
- ngx-status-code-fgraph: Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- ngx-top-latency-reqs: IP packets of top latency HTTP requests
- ngx-upstream-err-packets: Capture the upstream packets that have specific error code
- tcpdump-upstream-no-keepalive: capture the packets that have no HTTP upstream ‘keepalive’ configuration
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing OpenResty applications:
- lj-add-timer-lua-fgraph: ngx.timer Add Timer Flamegraph
- lj-c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-coro-c-on-cpu: C-Land CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT and Coro
- lj-dump-traces: Dump LuaJIT Traces
- lj-excep-lua-fgraph: Lua Exception Flame Graph
- lj-func-events: Trace LuaJIT function call entry events
- lj-gc-step-calls: Number of LuaJIT GC function calls per second
- lj-jit-state: Check The LuaJIT JIT State: on/off
- lj-live-coroutines: dump the bts of the living Lua coroutines
- lj-lua-full-bt: Dump Lua Full Backtrace including the variables in the stack
- lj-lua-newcdata: Lua-Land New CData Creation Flame Graph Sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newfunc: Lua-Land New Function Creation Flame Graph sampling Tool for LuaJIT Applications.
- lj-lua-newgco: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newstr: LuaJIT String Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newtab: LuaJIT Table Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-newthread: LuaJIT Thread Objects Allocation Flame Graph
- lj-lua-on-cpu: Lua-Land CPU Flame Graph
- lj-lua-tab-resize: LuaJIT Table resize Flame Graph
- lj-no-pcre-jit-lua-fgraph: Lua Land Flame Graph for function path that PCRE jit is disabled
- lj-slowest-ngx-re: Slowest find/match/split Regular Expression of
- lj-slowest-str-gmatch: Slowest Lua string.gmatch
- lj-slowest-str-gsub: Slowest String Global Substitution For Lua’s string.gsub
- lj-slowest-str-match-find: Slowest String Match/Find
- lj-str-find-no-plain-fgraph: Lua string.find Searching Plain String Without Plain Mode Set
- lj-trace-abort-events-fgraph: Lua Land Trace Abort Events Flame Graph
- lj-trace-stats: LuaJIT VM Trace Event Statistics
- lj-vm-states: LuaJIT VM States Distribution
- ngx-access-log-buffer-size: Nginx Access Log Buffer Size Configuration
- ngx-cpu-hottest-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames consuming the most CPU resources
- ngx-cpu-hottest-uris: Showing the top 10 URIs order by request count
- ngx-epoll-event-stats: Statistics of Epoll Events Received
- ngx-epoll-wait-timers: Tracking the Nginx-Land Epoll Wait Routines
- ngx-gzip-compression-level: Nginx GZIP Compression Level Statistics
- ngx-gzip-compression-types: Nginx GZIP Compression Types Statistics
- ngx-lua-code-cache: Nginx Lua Code Cache Requests
- ngx-open-file-cache-conf: Nginx Open File Cache Configuration
- ngx-pcre-compile-lua-fgraph: Openresty New PCRE Compilation Lua Land Flame Graph
- ngx-shdict-hit-rate: Nginx Shared Dict Hit Rate
- ngx-slowest-config-re: Slowest Regular Expression in Nginx Rewrite or Find Config
- ngx-timer-delay-distr: Timeout Value Distribution of Nginx Timer
- openresty-compiled-regex-cache: OpenResty Compiled Regex Cache Statistics
- openresty-new-timer-fgraph: Openresty New Timer Flamegraph
- openresty-running-timers-fgraph: Openresty Running Timer Flamegraph
Disk I/O
- lj-read-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- lj-read-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- lj-read-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- lj-write-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- lj-write-latency-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- lj-write-volume-fgraph: Lua-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- lj-lua-ngx-print-error: ngx.print and ngx.say error Flame Graph
- ngx-err-log-files: Nginx Error Log Files
- ngx-err-log-lvl-distr: Nginx Error Log Level Distribution
- ngx-http-access-time: Nginx HTTP Access Phase Latency
- ngx-http-rewrite-time: Nginx HTTP Rewrite Phase Latency
- ngx-http-upstream-time: Nginx HTTP Upstream Latency
- ngx-https-handshake-time: Nginx HTTPs handshake - useless
- ngx-read-req-body-time: Nginx Request Body Reading Time Distribution
- ngx-req-latency: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-advance: Nginx Request Latency
- ngx-req-latency-distr: HTTP Request Latency Distribution
- ngx-req-lj-yield-count: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Times Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-latency: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency Flame Graph
- ngx-req-lj-yield-time: Nginx Request LuaJIT Yield Latency
- ngx-tls-handshake-latency: Nginx SSL/TLS handshake Latency
- sema-wait-fgraph: Semaphore wait Calls
- lj-alloc-stats: Statistics for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator (Directly allocated memory blocks larger than 128K will not be counted)
- lj-c-memory-leak-fgraph: Lua-Land Memory Leak Flame Graphs
- lj-dump-loaded-mods: Showing the loaded modules of the LuaJIT VM
- lj-err-mem: Luajit Memory Exception
- lj-free-stats: Statistics of free chunks for LuaJIT’s builtin Allocator
- lj-gco-cdata-fin: CData Object Statistics by Finalizer
- lj-gco-cdata-stats: CData Object Statistics by CData Type
- lj-gco-ref: GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- lj-gco-stat: Statistics for LuaJIT GC Objects
- lj-lua-newgco-size: LuaJIT GC Object Allocation Size Flame Graph
- lj-mem-realloc-distr: Lua Memory Realloc Size Distribution
- lj-mem-realloc-fgraph: Lua Memory Realloc Size Flamegraphs
- lj-tab-chain-loops: Find loops in LuaJIT table node chains.
- lj-tab-unreachable-node: Find unreachable nodes in the lua tables.
- ngx-mem-pools: Nginx Memory Pool Statistics
- ngx-shdict-stores: Nginx Shdict Stores Statistics
- ngx-shm-lru: Nginx Share Memory LRU Statistics
- ngx-shm-slabs: Slab Memory Usage in Nginx Shared Memory
- ngx-shm-tree-height: Compute the RBTree Height of Nginx Shared Memory Zones.
- resty-memory: Application-Level Memory Usage Breakdown
- collect-luajit-ffnames: Collect LuaJIT ffnames
- lj-config: Configurations for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-new-timer-errors: Nginx Lua Tracks Timer Creation Errors
- ngx-config: Configurations for Nginx
- ngx-config-servers: Dump The Name of The Http Servers
- ngx-dump-timers: Dump nginx timers in the rbtree
- ngx-graceful-exits: Nginx Graceful Exit Event
- ngx-lua-sleep: Nginx Lua Sleep Calls Distribution
- ngx-worker-id: Nginx Worker ID
- openresty-core-dump-analysis: OpenResty Core Dump Analysis
Network I/O
- lj-lua-ngx-exit-fgraph: Lua-Land Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- lj-lua-socket-close-fgraph: Lua-Land close socket Flame Graph
- ngx-downstream-keepalive-stats: HTTP Downstream Request Connection Keepalive Statistics
- ngx-dump-all-reqs: Dump all Nginx HTTP Requests
- ngx-dump-cur-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-dump-dns: Dump Nginx DNS configuration and domain caches
- ngx-dump-req: Dump Nginx Request
- ngx-keepalive-statistics: Request/Upstream Connection Keep-alive Statistics
- ngx-proxy-cache-status: Proxy Cache Status Distribution
- ngx-read-req-body-packets: Capture the packets of the HTTP request that the read body time is greater than the threshold
- ngx-req-count: Count Nginx Subrequests and Main Requests
- ngx-req-counts-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request counts
- ngx-req-distribution: Nginx Traffic Distribution By Calls of Finalize Request
- ngx-req-err-packets: IP Packets of Specified HTTP Errors
- ngx-req-size-by-hosts: Showing the top 10 hostnames order by request size
- ngx-req-status-code: Request Status Code Per Second
- ngx-rps: Nginx RPS Statistics
- ngx-ssl-server-conf: Sample the Server Configurations by Requests
- ngx-ssl-session-ticket-key: Nginx SSL Session Ticket Key Configuration
- ngx-status-code-fgraph: Nginx Request Status Code Flame Graph
- ngx-tls-handshake-info: SSL/TLS Session handshake information Statistics
- ngx-tls-session-resumption: Downstream SSL/TLS Session Resumption Statistics
- ngx-top-latency-reqs: IP packets of top latency HTTP requests
- ngx-upstream-err-packets: Capture the upstream packets that have specific error code
- openresty-cosocket-connect: OpenResty Cosocket Connect Operation Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-fgraph: OpenResty Cosocket Error Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-err-packets: IP Packets of OpenResty Cosocket Which has Errors
- openresty-cosocket-no-keepalive: OpenResty Cosocket Without Keepalive Flame Graph
- openresty-cosocket-pool: OpenResty Cosocket Pool Statistics
- openresty-cosocket-timeout: OpenResty Cosocket Timeout Distribution
- socket-close-fgraph: close socket Flame Graph
- tcpdump-upstream-no-keepalive: capture the packets that have no HTTP upstream ‘keepalive’ configuration
- lj-c-off-cpu: C-Land off-CPU Flame Graph for LuaJIT
- lj-lua-off-cpu: Lua-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Perl applications:
- perl-excep-fgraph: Perl-Land Exception Flame Graph
- perl-func-events: Trace perl function call entry events
- perl-on-cpu: Perl-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
Disk I/O
- perl-read-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- perl-read-latency-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- perl-read-volume-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- perl-write-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- perl-write-latency-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- perl-write-volume-fgraph: Perl-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- perl-gco-ref: Perl GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- perl-off-cpu: Perl-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing PHP applications:
- php-excep-fgraph: PHP-Land Exception Flame Graph
- php-func-events: Trace PHP function call entry events
- php-on-cpu: PHP-Land CPU Flame Graph
Disk I/O
- php-read-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- php-read-latency-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- php-read-volume-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- php-write-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- php-write-latency-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- php-write-volume-fgraph: PHP-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- php-bin-distr: Distributions of Memory Chunk Sizes in PHP Zend Allocator
- php-gco-ref: PHP GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- php-gco-stat: Statistics for PHP GC Objects
- php-off-cpu: PHP-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing PostgreSQL applications:
- pg-mem-pool: PostgreSQL Memory Pool Size
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Python applications:
- py-excep-fgraph: Python-Land Exception Flame Graph
- py-func-events: Trace python function call entry events
- py-on-cpu: Python CPU Flame Graph
- pyftrace: Trace python function call entry/exit events
Disk I/O
- py-read-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Flame Graph
- py-read-latency-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Latency Flame Graph
- py-read-volume-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Read/Sendfile Volume Flame Graph
- py-write-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Write Flame Graph
- py-write-latency-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Write Latency Flame Graph
- py-write-volume-fgraph: Python-Land Virtual File System Write Volume Flame Graph
- py-gco-ref: Python GC Object Reference Flame Graph
- py-gco-stat: Statistics for Python GC Objects
- py-off-cpu: Python3 off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Redis applications:
- lua-excep-fgraph: Lua-Land Exception Flame Graph for standard Lua
- lua-on-cpu: Lua-Land CPU Flame Graph for standard Lua
- lua-gco-ref: GC Object Reference Flame Graph for Stand Lua
- lua-off-cpu: Lua-Land off-CPU Flame Graph for standard Lua
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Ruby applications:
- ruby-on-cpu: Ruby CPU Flame Graph
- ruby-off-cpu: Ruby off-CPU Flame Graph
OpenResty XRay provides the following tools for analyzing Rust applications:
- rust-excep-fgraph: Rust-Land Exception Flame Graph
- rust-on-cpu: Rust-Land on-CPU Flame Graph
- rust-off-cpu: Rust-Land off-CPU Flame Graph
The OpenResty Inc. Team.
Copyright (C) by OpenResty Inc. All rights reserved.